Mobile mapping a disaster area
Chapter 3: Future developments for recovery
Future developments for recovery
Mobile mapping solutions created a real and immediate picture of the damaged areas. Local authorities were enabled to access areas that were before inaccessible due to damage and effectively coordinate recovery work.
The experience gained by the government in this catastrophe has proven the need to have documented pre- and post-disaster databases to allow for an immediate verification of damaged areas with totally automatic comparisons activities.
“With the technology of the Pegasus:Backpack, authorities can better plan for and react to emergency situations,” said Stuart Woods, Leica Geosystems Geospatial Solutions Division vice-president. “By being able to visualise damaged areas in their current and immediate state, from the ground at street and building level, a reality-based effective response to disasters is now possible.”
Back to Reporter 75 article overview
Story: Mobile mapping a disaster area
Chapter 1: Understanding through mobile mapping
Chapter 2: Accessing the inaccessible
Chapter 3: Future developments for recovery
Reporter 75 – Juni 2016
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