Leica Geosystems further digitalises construction with new machine control solutions

Leica MC1 for Excavators, ConX connect, add intelligence to heavy construction projects, sites

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(Heerbrugg, Switzerland 9 April 2019) – Leica Geosystems, part of Hexagon, announced today the launch of two machine control solutions that further the digital transformation of the construction industry, the Leica MC1 software for excavators and the upgraded Leica ConX web interface.

Digital solutions are transforming the construction industry with efficiency and productivity gains. These latest machine control solutions collect, process and enable applicable intelligence in the construction phase of a project, empowering operators and machines to be smarter, safer and more effective.

“The further development of MC1 and ConX is our commitment to the construction professionals and the industry we serve,” said Johan Arnberg, heavy construction portfolio president for Hexagon’s Geosystems division. “We recognise the disruptive change of technology and what that brings to our customers in their businesses, and we are supporting them along this journey with relevant solutions that meet their evolving needs.”

One digital platform for all

Released into the market two years ago, ConX creates a connected ecosystem across construction sites, bringing operators, foreman and project owners together in one digital platform. These stakeholders can share and visualise positioning, reference model and constructed data while other machine control solutions connected to the interface can remotely receive and share information.

In the next iteration of the well-received platform, a new 3D environment is created from data aggregation across a site. ConX uses sensor merging to provide data in real time with automated analyses and visualisation of project aspects, such as cut/fill volumes.

“Leica ConX helps transfer project files and keeps track of the machines from the office. When working with many different contractors on a large construction site, it is important that everybody is on the same page with the latest updated files,” explains Pontus Holmberg, chief surveyor at Skanska Sverige AB.

Digitalising workflows for excavators

The popular MC1 software, which provides a common software interface across the Leica Geosystems machine control portfolio, is now available for excavators. This one-for-all software infinitely connects heavy machinery on site, providing guidance and automation for operations across construction projects.

The latest version of the software enables tool recognition for excavators, enabling the automatic detection of any construction tool connected to the excavator. Significantly decreasing the chance of using improper buckets that could cause over digging, dramatically increasing efficiency and productivity for operators on site.

“MC1 is far simpler to use than any other machine control solution. It’s easy to understand, and there are integrated help functions to guide you if you need help,” Marco Pedersen from MP Enterprise A/S explains. “The Create Model function where you can use the excavator’s bucket to create simple and even complex models on the fly are very easy to use and a great improvement.”

Both innovations are available for hands-on demonstrations this week at bauma 2019 in Munich, Germany, on the Hexagon Booth in Hall A2 Stand 137. 

For more information about Leica ConX, please visit https://leica-geosystems.com/services-and-support/workflow-services/leica-conx
For more information about Leica MC1 software, please visit: https://leica-geosystems.com/products/machine-control-systems/software/leica-mc1

Leica Geosystems – when it has to be right
Seit fast 200 Jahren revolutioniert Leica Geosystems als Marktführer für Vermessungsinstrumente und Informationstechnologie die Welt der Vermessung. Fachkräfte auf der ganzen Welt vertrauen auf unsere Komplettlösungen. Das Unternehmen ist bekannt für die Entwicklung innovativer und professioneller Lösungen, die in verschiedensten Branchen wie Vermessung und GIS, Bau und Maschinensteuerung, öffentliche Sicherheit sowie im Energie- und Anlagenbau eingesetzt werden. Präzise Instrumente, moderne Software, erstklassige Unterstützung durch den Service und Support sowie umfangreiche Dienstleistungen schaffen Kunden von Leica Geosystems täglich Mehrwert beim Gestalten der Zukunft unserer Welt.

Leica Geosystems gehört zu Hexagon (Nasdaq Stockholm: HEXA B; hexagon.com), einem weltweit führenden Anbieter von Informationstechnologien, dessen Lösungen die Produktivität und Qualität in allen raumbezogenen und industriellen Anwendungen steigern.

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Leica Geosystems AG
CH-9435 Heerbrugg

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