From GeoDesign to Landscape Design

Landscape Architects are not surveying professionals, but understanding how to apply different surveying methods, as well as the workflow and effort necessary to create the data they use for their design concepts, is essential. In June 2013, the Leica Geosystems team in Nanjing, China provided instruments, know-how and manpower for the workshop “From GeoDesign to Landscape Design”, taught by Prof. Dr. Li Pang and Prof. Peter Petschek, to educate future Landscape Architects on different surveying methods.

In the past years, the role of Landscape Architecture in China has completely changed. The Chinese government now considers it equal in importance to Architecture and Planning. This is also reflected in the university system. Landscape Architecture is an established university degree equal to other disciplines in the planning and construction area. At South East University (SEU) in Nanjing, one of the top universities in this field, the subject is taught at Bachelor, Master and PhD levels. GNSS and laser scanning are new buzzwords in Landscape Architecture. But which surveying technology is best suited for which project, how much time does it take, what are the measurement principles of these instruments and how do you collect landscape information and build landscape models? The instructors of the “From GeoDesign to Landscape Design” workshop teamed up with Leica Geosystems to teach students at SEU how to solve these and other surveying related questions.

Read the full story here.

For more information, also visit Leica Geosystems’ Educational Program in the EMEA region.

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