The glue of Leica Geosystems Updates to Leica Infinity


Updates to Leica Infinity continue to strengthen the support your customers need for field data preparation and documentation.

More than just connecting the field to the office, Leica Infinity is also connecting Leica Geosystems solutions together for a complete experience. With updates to several functions, more applications are continually being added to the surveying software.

Part of the BIM process


Import data models directly in your projects using the IFC format. Navigate using the BIM Explorer to isolate the data you need. Use the Copy Settings tool for copying groups of objects. Use the New Point tool to pick the points from the objects you need .

Export DXF, HeXML, or DBX to the field software Captivate, Viva, iCON Build and iCON Site.

Import the field data to generate staked or measure point reports.

Project Coordinates


Users now have an added option to derive and work with design coordinates provided by their clients. Along with creating a localisation that can be assigned to the project, users have the second option to compute and apply a combined scale factor with truncated values to arrive at Project Coordinates – grid or ground. Combine with the Shift Rotate Scale tool, all options available to best work with combining design and measure data.

Aibotix + Infinit


With v2.1, the GNSS Post Processing of Aibot X6 with HP GNSS 2 option Infinity is the tool that lets you arrive at highly accurate positions for the georeferencing of images. With the optimised GNSS processing engine, Infinity is ready to handle the Aibots’ high rate kinematic observations. Where applicable use the GNSS Reference Data internet download tool for simple base station access to use in processing. Once you have processed your data simply choose the GNSS tracks for export to the AiProFlight software.

Data prep for excellent results


Creating points from imported CAD files or Scan Points was never easier.
Open the New Point tool to select the points of interest from the graphic display. Make sure to set the Point ID, Point Role and Code information are as you need and then select the points you need. Or, when you need to copy a lot of data, use the new Copy Settings to quickly define the same settings for the data you will Copy to Library from the CAD files. Enter Point ID, Point Role and Code information to easily save with the data you prepare for the field software.

Don’t forget to sell Leica eXchange for data export from Infinity direct to Captivate or Viva.

GNSS Reference Data Internet Downloads


We've changed the way users locate and download GNSS data available from the internet. NGS, SOPAC and UNAVCO stations are easily located using a map and a search area.

With these updates and even more innovation on the horizon, Leica Infinity continues to close the gap between design and execution from field to office.

Case Studies

Erfahren Sie hier, wie Kunden weltweit unsere Digitalisierungslösungen effizient nutzen und damit einen intelligenten Wandel in Gang setzen.
Erfahren Sie hier, wie Kunden weltweit unsere Digitalisierungslösungen effizient nutzen und damit einen intelligenten Wandel in Gang setzen.

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Hier finden Sie Ihren Leica Geosystems Ansprechpartner für Vertrieb, Support und technischen Service.