
Leica Geosystems reality capture software logo for prepare workflow stage

Data preparation is an essential part of professional reality capture workflows. Leica Geosystems point cloud software, Leica Cyclone REGISTER 360 PLUS and the BLK Edition provide a range of high-performance registration and data preparation tools, including several automated features to improve results while saving time. Users can refine their in-field projects in the office to tighten registration, clean up noise, combine projects, conduct a quick classification, anonymize data and more, all while benefiting from tags and assets added onsite for streamlined field-to-office collaboration. This workflow prepares data to publish into a range of industry-standard and Leica Geosystems-native formats for analysis or stakeholder delivery.


Cyclone REGISTER 360 PLUS is a comprehensive point cloud registration and data preparation solution designed to import Leica Geosystems and third-party sensor data and prepare it for analysis and deliverable creation. Simple import options make it easy to bring data directly from scanners, Cyclone FIELD 360, or archived BLK Data Manager or third-party files. Clean data using semi-automated and manual tools, such as the Moving Objects Filter, Smooth Surface Filter to remove noise and isolate surfaces of interest, or the image blurring anonymization tool to remove faces and license plates from datasets. Powerful yet intuitive QA tools make it easy to set project tolerances and identify scans or regions outside limits. Finally, publish your data to industry-standard and Leica-native formats for delivery to clients or contractors or for use in analysis tools.

Cyclone REGISTER 360 PLUS (BLK Edition)

Cyclone REGISTER 360 PLUS (BLK Edition) is fully equipped with the data cleaning, registration, QA and publishing tools found in Cyclone REGISTER 360 PLUS, with import options tailored to BLK laser scanner users. This version supports import of BLK360, BLK2GO, BLK2FLY and BLK ARC data directly from the scanner, Cyclone FIELD 360 or BLK Data Manager files.

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