Bernese GNSS Software

High-accuracy GNSS post-processing software

Bernese GPS software

The Bernese GNSS Software is a scientific, high-precision, multi-GNSS data processing software developed at the Astronomical Institute of the University of Bern (AIUB).

Leica Geosystems is an exclusive re-seller of the BERNESE software for commercial applications in the field of Geomatics. Research licences are directly supplied by the AIUB .

It is used by CODE (Center for Orbit Determination in Europe) for its international (IGS) and European (EUREF/EPN) activities. The software is continuously in a process of development and improvement.

The Bernese GNSS Software is the ideal tool for:

  • Scientists researching in geodesy, meteorology and geosciences
  • University study
  • Survey agencies responsible for high-accuracy GNSS surveys
  • Agencies responsible for maintenance of arrays of permanent GNSS receivers
  • Commercial users with complex applications demanding high accuracy, reliability and high productivity

Precise processing
With Bernese, you can processes all principal observables recorded by high precision geodetic receivers (i.e., code and phase data on both carriers). Either static or kinematic, take differential code biases for satellites and receivers into account for applications involving code observations.

Single and dual frequency data may be processed in the same estimation step. Use of ionosphere models minimises impact of ionosphere delay on station coordinates and other parameters. Save time and effort processing and combining data from various receiver types in the same processing step (including establishing and use of receiver type specific antenna phase centre variations).

The newly developed powerful Bernese Processing Engine (BPE) allows you to tailor automated processing sequences. Sophisticated examples contained in the distribution include:

  • Precise point positioning (PPP)
  • Baseline processing
  • Network processing (RINEX-to-SINEX)
  • Clock estimation.

Linear modelling for exact replication
Meeting the highest accuracy requirements, Bernese models station motions for plate movements, solid earth tides and ocean tidal loading. Furthermore, modelling in Bernese accounts for all time-dependent parameters by a piece-wise linear, continuous representation, in particular for troposphere zenith path delay and gradient parameter, earth orientation parameters and global ionosphere models.

You can apply and estimate antenna phase patterns for receiver and for satellite antennas. This simultaneous solution can be applied for a large number of different parameter types. The parameter estimation programs may be used for:

  • Baseline
  • Session
  • Campaign
  • Multiple campaign processing.

Many different complex solutions (e.g., annual coordinate and ERP solutions) using (e.g., daily) normal equation systems can be produced without reprocessing observations.

Supporting all data formats
With Bernese, fully combine processing of data from GPS, GLONASS, and GPS/GLONASS receivers. You can also process SLR observations to GNSS satellites. Bernese support international input/output formats:

  • RINEX with LEO extension
  • SP3c
  • Clock RINEX
  • Troposphere SINEX

Users can easily navigate through the software with the newly-developed windows-oriented user interface, clear input panels and program structure  More than 600 pages of printed documentation, extended html-based online help panels and tech support by developers is also available for the best user experience.

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