Criminal Investigation

In the early hours of an investigation, police officers on a crime scene don’t know exactly which details might be important to the case. Investigators must deliver clear, concise, and well-documented information, including even the most delicate evidence – and only have one chance to get it right.

Our digital solutions help you maintain the chain of custody by capturing the scene and visualising in real time and helping with the systematic documentation and examination of the scene, such as georeferencing the evidence. Digital scene “flythroughs” provide an overview of the entire scene, identify any threats to scene integrity, and ensure the protection of physical evidence. Our solutions minimise disruption for the public by allowing faster reopening of crime scenes and bringing justice.

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Capture and preserve all evidence at crime scenes

It’s very easy to miss evidence. Part of every crime scene investigator’s concern is whether he or she has properly documented the scene. One little detail could mean the difference between winning or losing a case and bringing justice to victims and their families. In many instances, evidence may not be revisited for months or even years, and information about the crime scene that would have been pertinent might be lost over time. Revisiting the Forensic Digital Twin created at a crime scene helps police officers, prosecutors, judges, and others to better understand the course of events.

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Bullet trajectory analysis

Our 3D laser scanning technology helps crime scene investigators to create digital representations of crime scenes that allow tracing the path of a bullet, proving the shooter's position or intent. With Leica Map 360 forensic mapping software, you can accurately reconstruct and map bullet trajectories from measured or scanned trajectory rods and tag every piece of evidence.

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Bloodstain pattern analysis (BPA)

Document and digitise the blood spatter at your crime scene with our accurate 3D laser scanning technology. Analyse impact patterns to define the area of origin and produce accurate 2D or 3D visualisation. Leica Map360 software helps you to create a BPA report with the calculated results.

Discover our recommended solutions for criminal investigation

The Leica BLK2GO handheld imaging laser scanner lets you walk while scanning your crime scene.


Capture the scene with the LeicaBLK2GO

With the BLK2GO handheld imaging laser scanner, you can simply walk through a crime scene and capture 3D colorized point clouds of areas and objects of interest, gathering all dimensions you need. Rapidly move through the scene with mobile mapping and GrandSLAM technology that creates a complete dataset, and you can capture geotagged detail images along the way.


Manage the data with Leica Cyclone FIELD 360 and Leica Cyclone REGISTER 360

The captured scan data is pre-registered in the field and displayed in real time through Cyclone FIELD 360 mobile-device app, allowing users to conduct onsite quality control checks of the scans quickly.

Quickly post-process scenes in the office with Cyclone REGISTER 360 software.


Deliver a wide array of reports with Leica Map360

Our forensic mapping software, Map360, is the solution for complete crime scene reconstruction with the flexibility to import your data from a wide range of sensors. Analyse your scene with intuitive tools, such as bloodstain pattern analysis, bullet trajectory analysis, 2D and 3D body poser and more. Map360 helps you to easily transform your 3D crime scene data into accurate and compelling Forensic Digital Twin.


Fast, agile, and precise crime scene documentation and forensic mapping for court-ready deliverables

3D Laser Scanning for Security purposes

Capture the scene with the Leica RTC360

With the RTC360 3D laser scanner crime scenes can be captured at up to 2 million points per second in less than two minutes and pre-registered at the scene. With the Double Scan feature enabled on the RTC360, automatically remove moving objects such as people or vehicles in your final point cloud data.


Manage the data with Leica Cyclone FIELD 360 and Leica Cyclone REGISTER 360

The captured scan data is pre-registered in the field and displayed in real time through Cyclone FIELD 360 mobile-device app, allowing users to conduct onsite quality control checks of the scans quickly. Quickly post-process scenes in the office with Cyclone REGISTER 360 software


Deliver a wide array of reports with Leica Map360

Our forensic mapping software, Map360, is the solution for complete crime scene reconstruction with the flexibility to import your data from a wide range of sensors. Analyse your scene with intuitive tools, such as bloodstain pattern analysis, bullet trajectory analysis, 2D and 3D body poser and more. Map360 helps you to easily transform your 3D crime scene data into accurate and compelling Forensic Digital Twin.

Handheld and accurate in-picture measurement solution for crime scene documentation


Capture the scene with the Leica BLK3D

The BLK3D is a measurement solution based on photos. Each photo captured is a complete measurement record that contains height, width, and depth measurements. Measurements can be created at any point, right at the scene, or at any point in time thereafter using the BLK3D Desktop Software.

The BLK3D enables you to measure even in hard to reach areas easily. It helps to avoid transposed digits and missing or inaccurate measurements. Police officers or first responders can document small to medium-sized crime scenes directly onsite.


Manage and deliver the data with integrated BLK3D Software

Export 3D images in PDF or JPG format from your PC or from the BLK3D via WiFi. Send 3D images captured by the BLK3D to your computer, where they can be opened and edited with the BLK3D Desktop Software.

The captured 3D measurable images can be used to create advanced reports as PDF with 2D plans, pictures with 3D in-picture measurements, highly accurate 2D and 3D diagrams.


Contact our Public Safety, Security and Forensics experts

Top 5 benefits of laser scanning for crime scene investigations

Laser scanning enables investigators, officers, and others to collect data faster, map scenes safer, revisit crime scenes anytime, analyse evidence from the point cloud and capture witness points of view.
Laser scanning enables investigators, officers, and others to collect data faster, map scenes safer, revisit crime scenes anytime, analyse evidence from the point cloud and capture witness points of view.

My job is to deliver the undeniable facts. Interview with Brazilian Federal Crime Expert.

Brazil Federal Police uses 3D reality capture in high-profile criminal investigations. Insights from a Federal Crime Expert of the Instituto Nacional de Criminalística.
Brazil Federal Police uses 3D reality capture in high-profile criminal investigations. Insights from a Federal Crime Expert of the Instituto Nacional de Criminalística.

To safely say: No crime scene evidence left behind!

Italian crime scene forensic mapping expert with decades of experience shares his know-how about the pain points of “real-life” crime scene investigation. With 3D technology, bloodstain pattern analysis (BPA) and ballistics analysis (e.g.) can all now be done in the digital domain by creating a Forensic Digital Twin of the crime scene directly on the scene.
Italian crime scene forensic mapping expert with decades of experience shares his know-how about the pain points of “real-life” crime scene investigation. With 3D technology, bloodstain pattern analysis (BPA) and ballistics analysis (e.g.) can all now be done in the digital domain by creating a Forensic Digital Twin of the crime scene directly on the...

Mengapa memilih kami

Saran, konsultasi, dan bantuan praktis peer-to-peer. Kami adalah mitra yang dipercaya oleh organisasi sektor publik dan swasta, yang menawarkan portofolio alat bantu geospasial yang paling beragam, layanan yang andal, dan keahlian.
Saran, konsultasi, dan bantuan praktis peer-to-peer. Kami adalah mitra yang dipercaya oleh organisasi sektor publik dan swasta, yang menawarkan portofolio alat bantu geospasial yang paling beragam, layanan yang andal, dan keahlian.


Pengetahuan yang kami miliki membantu para profesional Keselamatan Publik di seluruh dunia dan mendefinisikan ulang cara yang digunakan penegak hukum dalam mengelola penyelidikan insiden dan tempat kejadian perkara, pengumpulan bukti, dan pemetaan forensik.
Pengetahuan yang kami miliki membantu para profesional Keselamatan Publik di seluruh dunia dan mendefinisikan ulang cara yang digunakan penegak hukum dalam mengelola penyelidikan insiden dan tempat kejadian perkara, pengumpulan bukti, dan pemetaan forensik.


Solusi kami untuk reality capture, penyelidikan atau rekonstruksi tempat kejadian perkara, pemosisian akurat, dan intelijen lokasi memberi Anda keunggulan dalam menciptakan Digital Twin Forensik.
Solusi kami untuk reality capture, penyelidikan atau rekonstruksi tempat kejadian perkara, pemosisian akurat, dan intelijen lokasi memberi Anda keunggulan dalam menciptakan Digital Twin Forensik.

Pusat pembelajaran

Entah Anda ingin beralih dari metode dokumentasi tradisional atau ingin menguasai teknologi, sumber daya pelatihan kami siap mendukung setiap langkah pekerjaan Anda sehari-hari.
Entah Anda ingin beralih dari metode dokumentasi tradisional atau ingin menguasai teknologi, sumber daya pelatihan kami siap mendukung setiap langkah pekerjaan Anda sehari-hari.