I get it right the first time
Using the excavator for fine grading jobs
This statement comes from Claus Hansen, excavator operator at Øsby Entreprenør & Kloakservice Aps, a company awarded for its social commitment, specialising in earthmoving, sewage and coating work. Øsby is currently working on a contract for earthmoving and asphalt and tiles layering for the construction of a new police school in Vejle in Denmark, where the company Hoffmann A/S is the main contractor. Despite the COVID 19 situation, the project is running according to the schedule, because all activities are outdoor.
“This is a larger project than what we normally work on,” says Claus. “It is a true “Leica project” where the machine control solution is really put to the test, because we are fine grading for asphalt and tiles layering, excavating for wells, basements etc. and all of it must be documented digitally.”
Claus is working with a bucket and a grading beam in conjunction with a tilt rotator, which makes it possible to use the Liebherr 924 excavator for fine grading. The grading beam can even be used as a bucket when Claus needs to move some material, and the grading job is done quickly thanks to the use of the iXE3 machine control solution from Leica Geosystems.
“The new Leica MC1 software works impeccably, it is faster and has more capacity,” says Claus. “Before using machine control, we used to work with string lines, and I would have to go over an area like this two or three times to get it right. With machine control, I get it right the first time!”
Øsby’s path to 3D machine control
Claus has worked for Øsby Entreprenør & Kloakservice for more than 14 years. “I started, when I was schoolboy,” he says, “my dad and my cousin have worked for the company as well.”
Øsby Entreprenør & Kloakservice started out by renting 2D machine control but upgraded quickly to a 3D solution.
“I was trained by my colleagues to use machine control, and it was very easy to learn,” he says.
On this project, some of the indoor halls have even been made using the 3D GNSS solution.
“The GNSS signal was strong enough, so that we didn’t have to set up lasers and switch to a 2D solution when working indoor.”
The advantage with a 3D machine control solution for a project like this is that all wells and basements are represented on the 3D project file displayed on the in-cabin MCP80 panel. The integration to Leica ConX is also important for a project where updates to the project files are made regularly.
“On this project, the surveyor has made changes to the project file almost once a month, and I can just synchronise via ConX to receive the updated project file to my Leica MC1 software,” Claus explains.
Øsby Entreprenør & Kloakservice has even ordered a new Liebherr 924 excavator with rototilt and Leica iXE3 machine control solution. Thanks to the new partnership between Liebherr and Leica Geosystems, it is now possible to order a Liebherr excavator equipped with integrated Leica iXE2 and iXE3 machine control solutions directly from the Liebherr factory, just as you would order navigation system for your new car.
“This minimises installation time in the field, and the customer can start working immediately upon delivery of the machine,” explains Rainer Bippen, OEM Director at Leica Geosystems Machine Control Division.
The Liebherr 924 working with Leica iXE3, rototilt and a grading beam.
Written by Karina Lykke Lumholt
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