Grond-, weg- en waterbouw

Zero-emissie slipform paver – een wereldprimeur van Roos Groep

Ontdek hoe Roos Groep een baanbrekende stap in duurzame bouw heeft gezet door 's werelds eerste volledig elektrische slipform paver te ontwikkelen, aangestuurd door het Leica Geosystems 3D machinebesturingssysteem.

Van Berkel Landschap en Infra baggeren van sloot

3D sloten baggeren door van Berkel Landschap & Infra

Van Berkel Landschap en Infra past met succes GPS toe tijdens ruim 100 km baggerwerkzaamheden, waardoor er direct automatisch gelogd wordt waar, wanneer en hoe diep er gebaggerd is. Dankzij deze gegevens kan het Waterschap Aa en Maas in de toekomst selectiever baggerwerkzaamheden toewijzen en zo minder overlast veroorzaken voor boeren.

Machinebesturing helpt Singapore te beschermen tegen de stijgende zeespiegel

Door gebruik te maken van complete digitale oplossingen, van hardware tot software, kunnen de meest uitdagende maritieme bouwprojecten in Singapore worden voltooid.

Zeer simpele bestrating: van loodlijnen tot volledige 3D-machinebesturingsoplossingen

3D-machinebesturingsoplossing voor bestrating helpt aannemer in de Verenigde Arabische Emiraten om een vliegveldproject van twaalf maanden binnen zes maanden af te ronden.

Leica Geosystems prepares for the 24th Winter Olympics in China 2022

Equipping snow groomers with machine control solution to prepare the ski courses for the Winter Olympics in China.

Deep stabilisation with cast-in-situ piling

New Liebherr-integrated piling machine control solution supports deep stabilisation of a new factory in Aalen, Germany.

Drilling in Norway with 3D rig solution from Leica Geosystems

3D machine control solution for rig applications enables operators to work more efficiently and from a safe distance in Norway.

An invitation into the piling rig cabin of Henrik Bergman

Piling rig operator Henrik Bergman describes his working experiences with machine control for piling rigs in Sweden.

Saving Time and Working Independently With New Piling Solution

New machine control solution empowers a Danish piler team to work independently from their headquarter on a construction project in Berlin, Germany.

How do ski resorts prepare for the next skiing season

Read the article and learn more about how ski resorts utilise the Leica iCON alpine solutions to get remarkable results.

Beyond Reality. Digital Reality’s Next Frontier

Hexagon’s Geosystems Division President Juergen Dold presented ideas and case studies where the entire planet can be digitised at HxGN LIVE in Las Vegas, USA

Driving productivity with smart drilling at Hinkley Point C

Increasing productivity at Hinkley Point C construction site in the United Kingdom with machine control for geotechnical drilling

Digitising the construction site from the air

Leica Geosystems UAV technology brings the construction site into the digital age and turns data into intelligent information to improve decisionmaking processes

Building a fast track between Germany and Denmark

Preparing the way for the world’s largest tunnel with machine control solutions in Denmark

Snow grooming for world cups

Creating the piste for the World Cup in ski cross and speed skiing in Idre Fjäll, Sweden using Leica iCON alpine snow management solution

Building roads in Belgium with 3D stringless paving

3D stringless paving for building a road ramp up to a bridge in Belgium

Gotthard Tunnel - Leica Geosystems Heavy Construction Solutions

Meeting in the Middle

Gotthard Base Tunnel opens with Leica Geosystems solutions.

Moving a capital city forward

Moving a capital city forward

Several measurement solutions come together in Saudi Arabia.

Connecting continents

Connecting continents

Aligning a massive bridge in Turkey with the MultiStation.

An airport to sustain lives

An airport to sustain lives

Smooth paving with PaveSmart for St. Helena's first airport.

Minimising environmental footprint by saving time and rework using machine control

Combining machine control with the latest and greenest hybrid machine technology in the Faroe Islands

Case Studies

Ontdek hoe klanten van over de hele wereld oplossingen van Leica Geosystems inzetten op hun projecten.

Ontdek hoe klanten van over de hele wereld oplossingen van Leica Geosystems inzetten op hun projecten.