Leica TruView Desktop
Offered as a desktop viewer with synchronised capabilities, the solution delivers robust support for all project data, including point clouds, images, models, and appended Assets. Users of TruView Desktop will benefit from the most comprehensive toolset including support for loading new models into TruView projects and viewing them in VR, as well as support for all compatible data sources—LGSx files, Cyclone ENETRPRISE and legacy formats. TruView Desktop offers both installed and no-install versions of the product.
- Full integration with Cyclone ENTERPRISE supports simultaneous usage of desktop and browser-based TruView products
- Access GeoTags, Assets and project data upstream from Cyclone FIELD 360, BLK3D, and Cyclone REGISTER 360 PLUS for universal access to your complete, reality capture project
- Load IFC, OBJ, and COE models via the desktop viewer and save them to both Cyclone ENTERPRISE and LGSx projects to complement point cloud data from Cyclone
- Full GeoTag, Markup and Snapshot capabilities with presentation mode to collaborate and communicate important project details with other users
- Facilitates virtual site visits, resign reviews, retrofit and new install planning remotely with great accuracy.
- User access can be controlled and managed through Cyclone ENTERPRISE’s robust admin portal
TruView makes it easy for anyone to view and share reality capture data. Whether it's data from mobile mapping systems or terrestrial laser scanning solutions, you can see it all on one platform with TruView. The latest release includes upgrades focused on richer measurement options, from pipe snapping and model alignment tools to GeoTag features. To learn more, watch the video below or read our Expert Insight.

Data Sheets
Leica Cyclone WORKFLOW
Laser Scanning Software Subscriptions
Technical Specifications
Leica TruView
Leica Cyclone WORKFLOW
Laser Scanners
Leica BLK2GO
Leica BLK360
Leica RTC360
Leica ScanStation P30 / P40
Leica ScanStation P50
Leica Cyclone
Leica CloudWorx
Leica TruView
Leica Map360
3D Laser Scanning Accessories